Hyperion Web Education
We've been working hard to put together a collection of high quality guides and articles that will help you learn everything from the basics of business on the web to the advanced techniques that will help you maximize your investment in your website.Missing Manual for the Modern Web: Introduction
This guide is for any business owner who wants to learn to fully leverage the web for their business. It will help you gain an understanding of what the modern web is really capable of and how you can use it to achieve your goals by growing your business with an online presence.
The Power of Data-Driven Applications
A breakdown of our internal tool, the Hyperion Website Auditing App A few months ago, I started work on an auditing tool that would help speed up the website auditing process. The problem I kept having was that Lighthouse, Google's premier web page auditing software, is limited by only letting you take a look at one web page at a time. Its a powerful tool, but I wanted to be able to get a picture of the entire website's performance and other metrics, all in one go. So I found a way to programma
Let's Take A Look at the Competition
Your website is one of nearly 2 billion other websites. Billion, with a ‘B’. That’s intimidating. How are you supposed to orchestrate the design, building, development, strategizing, monetizing and actually compete with the nearly 2 billion other sites out there? It’s a feat, that’s for sure. Now, there are lots of tools that you can use to do it. You have probably seen commercials for do-it-yourself website builders that let you design your website all by yourself. These stand-alone build